

We advise and help our customers on their investments and technical questions.

  • Advising on quotation analyzing and machine purchasing.

  • Machine and accessories configuration.

  • Support when buying cutting tools.

  • Feasibility study in projects or workorders technically complex.

  • Work order quotation with the available resources in customer’s workshop.

    Advising on quotation analyzing and machine purchasing:

    • Needs analysis.
    • Technical requirements definition.
    • Selection of appropriated tooling suppliers.
    • Offer’s technical comparison.
    • Definition of machine acceptance tests.
    • Project tracking.
    • Final acceptance and commissioning.

      Configuration of machine and accessories:

      Look for the best technical solution when purchasing new manufacturing equipment.

      • Ideal machine configuration, structure, features, heads, numeric control.
      • Accessories needed for improving the process, auxiliary heads, lasers and touch probes.
      • Fixtures, Zero points or quick-change fixtures, pallet changers, robots.
      • Special cutting tools.

        Support when buying cutting tools:

        • Machine typology analysis.
        • Machine transmission.
        • Spindel power and torque.
        • Machine holder, HSK, ISO, Capto, KM…
        • Material to mechanize.
        • Tool geometry.
        • Workpiece clamping system.

          Feasibility study in projects or workorders technically complex:

          • Part analysis.
          • Risks assessments.
          • Fabrication or machining estimated costs.

            Work order quotation with the available resources in customer’s workshop.

            Normally orientated to machining companies which receive a work order and:

            • They have any technical department.
            • They prefer to subcontract this job.
            • They want to complement this job with programming support and machining.