

  • Manufacturer or supplier and are you looking for an applications engineer?

Wide knowledge on applications by areas and markets. Turn keys, trainings, product development, commercial support, professional treatment.

  • Do you have to invest in equipment and need technical support?

We advise investments on machinery, equipment, software, tools…

  • Are you performing a turn key project and have no technical resources?

We offer personalized technical support as well as complete solutions.

  • Do you need a training?

Specific training after equipment purchasing, process innovation or knowledge reinforcement.

  • Do you need help when programming workpieces?

We make part programs, parametric programs and CAM programs.

  • Are you tooling supplier and want to perform a cutting test at the cutomer?

We prepare cutting tests, perform the tests, create cutting reports and provide conclusions.

  • Do you need a quotation?

We support you by quoting your workorders with the available resources in your workshop.

  • Are you machining scrapped parts?

Kinematic chain and geometry check, part inspection at the machine, external agents that can affect the machining.

Contact us directly for a more customized technical support.

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