

Our services are focused on machining companies as well as machine manufacturers or suppliers. As per our offered training, all services can be performed in different countries and in 3 languages, English, Spanish and German.

  • Time study and Turn-key develpment.
  • Developing of macros and machining cycles for special applications.

  • Machine inspection.

  • Cutting test performing.
  • Process automation and times reduction.

  • Specific machine handling training from the manufacturer to the end customer.

  • Production support.

Time study and Turn-Key development:

  • Time study. Calculate machining process according to the customer’s machine tools or by considering a new machine configuration or equipment.
  • Select the appropriated tools and accessories for developing the machining process.
  • Design and manufacturing fixtures for clamping parts.
  • Turn-Key Solution. It consists on a complete definition of the machining process. It includes the time study, tool selection, clamping system or fixtures, programming and execution.

Developing of macros and machining cycles for special applications:

  • Integrated in the CNC when approved by the machine manufacturer.
  • As subprograms or subroutines.
  • Measuring parametric programs, data collection for using in machining programs.
  • Parametric programs which simplify the processes and programming times.


Machine inspection:

  • Head geometry and rotary tables.
  • Kinematics measuring and adjusting.
  • Setting/adjusting of machine parameters.
  • High speed settings.

Cutting test performing:

  • Cutting tests at customer premises for tooling suppliers.
  • Machine tests and analysis.

  • Machine acceptances and run-off at manufacturer's facilities.
  • Search for alternative tools which improve the cycle time, chip removal, behavior and machine life.


Process automation and times reduction:

  • Fixture design and manufacturing.

  • Programming methods.

  • Selection of auxiliary accessories for improving processes.

  • Minimize part-change times.

  • Maximize machine cutting time and minimize operator time.

Specific machine handling training from the manufacturer to the end customer:

Normally subcontracted by the machine manufacturer or the machine tool supplier.

  • Machine handling training and maintenance.
  • Manufacturer softkeys, functions and interruption troubleshooting.
  • Definition and performing of machine acceptance tests, as well as standard cutting tests.
  • Sample programs which help the better understanding of the machine handling and machine manufacturer functions.

    Implementation of CNC programs:

    • Heidenhain programming.
    • Siemens G-Code, Shopmill and Shopturn programming.
    • ISO programming.
    • SolidCAM programming.
    • Parametric programs.

    Production support:

    After installing the machine, which can be accompanied with a Turn-Key and once the machine is already commissioned.


    • Supporting while starting with the machining process.
    • Training and support the operators.
    • Aditional training when required.
    • Technical reports realization and tracking the processes.
